Fitness, Running

1st Day Of Training

One of my favorite places to train

Distance: 2 Miles
Total Time: 00:24:53 min
Pace: 12:56 (min/mi)

Today is the day! I have 20 weeks before the Chocolate Love Half Marathon in Savannah GA! Signing up for a Half Marathon has always given me motivation to run. Don’t get me wrong, I love running however; it’s a lot harder to skip a run when you know that big race is coming up.

I am completely starting from scratch. I am 8 weeks postpartum. I did go for a run last week just to see what I could do and boy was it hard.

My husband has a new job where he works from home but he is literally in and out all day and has morning meetings and late evening meetings. Scheduling in my workouts is going to be a big challenge with the baby and his schedule.

Smack middle of the day was the only available time I could run why he stayed with the baby. Of course it was 80 plus degrees and let’s not forget that I am up all hours of the night with a new born!

All things aside I think I did alright. Instead of just running a slow consistent pace I did intervals. They weren’t fancy measured intervals. I would basically jog at about an 11 minute mile pace and once I got to a mailbox or light post I would sprint at a 6 minute mile pace. There was walking involved but, I did this for a total of two miles!

New Years Resolution Run

My past 3 half marathons I always have ran at a steady even slow pace in my training sessions. I would love to get faster and after doing a ton of reading it looks like incorporating intervals and hills into my weekly workouts will help!

Do you train with intervals and hills?
